SuperSite is a very simple-to-use site builder that doesn't require programming knowledge. Its use is tied to the features of the editor itself, which cannot be customized: it's not possible to access the server via FTP, only through the editor provided. Managing bookings or the store is straightforward, with many predefined options that cannot be altered.
Hosting WordPress offers more features, is used for many websites on the web, and is customizable according to one's needs. This requires greater knowledge of the service: it is therefore recommended for users who are familiar with WordPress as a CMS and know how to manage it. The characteristic of the service is that the CMS is already installed and ready for use. WordPress cannot be tested for free, but it is necessary to have a domain with a hosting service compatible with the application.
Swite allows you to create a one-page type website. The page will be automatically generated by retrieving content directly from the social media connected to the service. It can be
activated for free from the panel, via the "Start your free trial" button.