Most popular domains

The TLDs most chosen by our customers.

Most popular domains!

Don’t know which domain name to register? Here are the ones that are most popular with our customers. Find out why they would also be perfect for your website!
  • 1 domain
  • 1 Swite website
  • DNS Management or Redirect
  • Control panel
  • Free support 24/7 Free support 24/7
3.99 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 11.99 + VAT
0.99 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 14.99 + VAT
4.99 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 14.99 + VAT
1.99 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 11.99 + VAT
11.99 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 11.99 + VAT
6.99 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 14.99 + VAT
6.99 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 14.99 + VAT
17.49 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 17.49 + VAT
24.99 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 24.99 + VAT
11.99 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 11.99 + VAT

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