.com domain

Most common TLD for online business.

.COM domains

The .COM domain name is one of the first domains launched in 1985. Initially it was reserved for commercial organizations, but then its use was extended to all, turning it into the most popular domain in the world.

The advantages of a .COM domain
The .COM domain is the most widespread and requested around the world, and is the hallmark of internationalization, therefore its registration could be an excellent choice to reach your customers wherever they may be. The registration of a .COM domain can ensure a good ranking on search engines and consequently increase the visibility of your website online.
Did you know that a .COM domain is registered approximately every second? Don’t miss yours! Check if it’s available right away and secure your place in the world wide web.

How to register a .COM domain:

No restrictions are applicable to .COM domain registrations, however these simple rules must be followed in any case:
  • .COM domain names must be between 3 and 63 characters long;
  • .COM domains can include letters from A to Z and numbers from 0 to 9;
  • The "-" (hyphen) mark is allowed but not at the beginning or the end of the name.
Get the .COM domain you want. See if it’s available, free of charge, and choose whether you just want to register the domain or combine an email or hosting service or one of our website builder solutions.

Included with a .com domain you get

  • 1 domain
  • 1 Swite website
  • DNS Management and Redirect
  • Control panel
  • Free support 24/7 Free support 24/7

Services you can combine with the .com domain

4.99 + VAT/year+ VAT/1st year*
for renewal € 13.99 + VAT

Swite website included with the domain

Create your website with content from your social media accounts, it's ready in seconds and it can update automatically!


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We provide a 24/7 phone and ticket support service.